BLACK HISTORY MONTH: February 20, 2023 – Boyz II Men’s 2022 remix on Stephen Colbert hits WAY too close to home.

If you've been married for a while, this might feel familiar.

In case you missed it last week, the guys of Boyz II Men made an impromptu appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to re-mix one of their best ’90s love songs, “I’ll Make Love To You.”

Only problem is, there ain’t a whole lot of that going on ;-).

This version, remixed for couples over 10 years, pretty much takes out the loooooooooooove, and brings in a little more social media action with memes and Youtube.  You’ll definitely get a kick out of it.

Just please, don’t share THIS on YouTube too much with your spouse instead of…well…you know.


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