“The Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon had the perfect way to watch the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: he got the band Heart together to perform “Total Eclipse of the Heart” just as the eclipse was happening!
Fallon said at the start of last night’s show, “We have a special show tonight, Heart is our musical guest and today is, obviously, the solar eclipse. So we thought we have to do what we have to do, we have to sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart.'” The song was originally sang by Bonnie Tyler in 1983 and it surged in popularity leading up to the total eclipse. It even hit No. 2 on the Apple charts!
Fallon and Heart performed the song on a rooftop at 30 Rock in New York City, just as the Moon passed between the Earth and the Sun.
It’s a little campy, it’s awesome, it’s epic and you gotta see it!