If you ask someone in the United States if they want a soda, it’s pretty likely they’ll want a Coke.
The second most likely answer?
It’s not Pepsi anymore… it’s Dr Pepper!
The trade publication Beverage Digest just released new market share data showing Coke is still the top soda in America. But coming in second, is Dr Pepper!
Up until now, it’s been Pepsi.
Beverage Digest shows Coke captured 19.2% of the soda market, with Dr Pepper just slightly edging out Pepsi with both sodas at 8.3%. Sprite is third with 8.1%.
It may surprise you to learn that Dr Pepper actually came about in 1885, before both Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The peppery and spice-specific flavor is in a class of all its own!
So, what do you think about the new soda shift? Coke or Dr Pepper?