A CHRISTMAS CONVO: “Christmas in the ’70s vs. Christmas Today”

Meet author VICTORIA FEDDEN. And get ready to feel NOSTALGIC!

If you grew up in the late 70s or early 80s, there are images, tastes, and smells we undoubtedly share around the holidays.  The JC Penney or Sears catalog you browsed through to pick out your presents.  The smell of Christmas Eve in your house with a baked ham, cookies, and so much more.  And the sights and laughter of the adults all sitting in the kitchen together, smoking cigarettes.

A few years ago, I stumbled onto a humor piece entitled “Christmas in the ’70s vs Christmas Today,” and this piece brought back so many of these GOOD images, sights, and smells to me.  Even, the second hand smoke (without actually being exposed to it).  I had a chance to sit down with the piece’s author, Victoria Fedden, and learn a little more about how she put it together and why.  If you loved these Christmases of the past, take a few moments and let’s share these stories together – because they will TRULY make you feel reminiscent of Christmas past, in a good way!

To learn more about Victoria’s work, head to www.victoriafedden.com.  And to read her piece on Christmas in the ’70s vs Christmas today, click here.


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