Prom is a big deal, the pinnacle event of the high school experience. These days, it includes the perfect “promposal” shared on social media, the perfect dress (with a guarantee that no one else will be wearing it), and the perfect playlist carefully curated from TikTok! But let’s face it, nothing can beat the total awesomeness of the 80s and 90s so that’s why we’re throwing it back for our Prom Songs Weekend and taking a little trip down memory lane!
80s Prom Experience
The cute boy you’ve been eyeing finally walked up to you at your locker after Biology and asked if you’d go to prom with him! You were so excited you passed your friend a note during American History but the teacher found it and read it aloud to the class. You were like, so embarrassed!
You got home and immediately dove into the pages of your new Seventeen magazine to find the perfect dress by Jessica McClintock. Your mom took you to the mall and you tried on a few dresses, finally finding the right one in a shimmering shade of jewel tone green. It had big sleeves, a billowing skirt, and a bow in the back. You marched right down to Payless Shoe Source to pick out a pair of pumps and purse to get them dyed to match! When you got home, your mom looked up your date in the phone book so she could call his mom to let him know to get a green cummerbund to match.
When prom finally rolled around, you teased your hair as high as it would go and used 2 cans of Aqua-Net to get it to stay. You and your date went to the local steak restaurant for dinner and drove to the dance in his dad’s Pontiac Firebird! You slow-danced to Journey’s “Faithfully” under stars covered in aluminum foil and later declared it was the best night of your entire life!
90s Prom Experience
Your best friend just told you that her boyfriend’s friend wants to ask you to prom. He’s pretty cute because he just got a haircut and frosted tips, so you told your friend to tell his boyfriend that if the friend asks you, you’ll say yes. Your parents’ phone rings later that night and it’s him! You ask him to call back on your teen line and he does. It’s a date!
As luck would have it, your Sassy magazine had just arrived with a huge feature on prom dress trends. At the mall that weekend, you picked out a black-and-white short dress that was off-the-shoulder and found the perfect rhinestone necklace at Claire’s Boutique! You phoned your date to let him know that he could get a black vest to go with his tuxedo so you could coordinate.
When prom rolled around, your mom took you to the local salon and you showed the stylist a picture of the curly updo you wanted. You had butterfly clips to go along with it, of course. When your date arrived, you tried not to stab him in the chest when you pinned his boutonniere to his tuxedo jacket. You went to the cool new hibachi restaurant in the next town over for dinner in his Toyota Supra. You danced to “On Bended Knee” by Boyz II Men in your high school gym, decked out in a fire and ice theme… and called the night totally epic!
Hope you enjoyed the trip back in time… now remember YOUR prom by listening to Prom Songs Weekend this Friday and Saturday!