Cher Fans Are Losing It Over Cherlato

Cher broke some big news this week – she’s getting into the dessert business!

She is launching her own brand of gelato, likely called “Cherlato!”

Cher has posted a couple times on Instagram, and we’ve linked them for you here.


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A post shared by Cher (@cher)


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A post shared by Cher (@cher)

Fans instantly went crazy over the announcement… and they’re coming up with some creative responses!

Will there be an “If I Could Turn Back Lime?” – missmagnoliajackson

CHURN BACK TIME would have worked better, – rays0martinez

Should been cherburt. Like sherbert – hippie_man_official

Thank you for chering – giulianacarr

Do You Believe In Ice Cream After Lunch – hotaru_tomoe.crystal

The Scoop Scoop Song – goring.mark76

Featuring such flavors as: Ginseng, Tramps, and Thieves— If I Could Turn Back Lime — Dark Chocolate Lady – jmspinafore

Cher said her gelato has been 5 years in the works – stay tuned to find out when you can taste it!

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